BrushOFF Sensor Cleaning Brush

Photographic Solutions
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  • Not just a high-priced artist brush - BRUSHOFF was designed in conjunction with and engineered to NASA specs.
  • Designed to neutralize the charge on dust particles and the sensor surface to prevent further dust attraction.
  • Electrically insulated handle and detachable grounding cable.
  • Retractable shaft and protective cap protects brush bristles when not in use - the brush barrel is its own solid carrying case.
  • Photographic Solutions makes the only sensor cleaning products which are officially recommended by top digital camera manufacturers.

  • Photographic Solutions' Brushoff brush is a unique sensor brush, originally designed to NASA specifications. Brushoff is a solidly designed and built electronic tool with a remarkably soft brush head and a the brush core that's electronically conductive through its grounding plug.Brushoff is conductive because the dust and lint that attaches to the sensor or lens surface is attached there electronically (dust has a negative charge and the sensor/ lens a positive one). Breaking that electronic bond is the only way to both remove the debris and discharge the sensor or lens surface so new particles are not again immediately attracted to it. Simple artist brushes cannot clean all of the dust, nor can they prevent dust accumulation, even immediately after its use.The only way to always remove all of the particles clinging to the sensor is by discharging both the sensor and the particles. Then, and only then, can you be certain of having a clean sensor that electronically wants to remain clean. Brushoff's unique blend of extremely fine fibers provides not only a conductive path, but includes fibers with characteristics that make the debris want to mechanically cling to them.Brushoff utilizes an especially designed microscopically fine special filament. This fiber acts as the "vacuum" to pick up negatively charged dust from the positively charged sensor. The grounding plug provides a path to ground for the charges on both the debris and the sensor, and insures that the brush is grounded and electronically neutral.The plastic handle itself is a non-conductor which isolates the human from the brush. This allows the brush to be used in the field, away from any grounding source until one can locate a ground and discharge the Brushoff. Cleaning it is also quite simple. Use a clean PEC-PAD & Eclipse to wipe the bristles befo
    Brand: Photographic Solutions, Model: PHSOBOFF1

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