Made of Stormblocker dual-laminate waterproof canvas
Quick-fold, extra-large front cover flap for immediate access to gear
Bellowed front pockets with buckle adjustments, plus two expandable exterior pockets
Solid brass clog bolt and harness leather locking system
Dimensions : 11 x 4 5/8 x 8 1/8"
The two front pockets have generous bellows and separate flaps while the main flap has the Billingham Quick Release System and adjustable straps for increased loading. Fully adjustable camera insert includes two large and two small dividers. It is lined with Velcro tabs allowing the dividers to securely attach in any position. In addition, the one piece main flap extends from the front of the bag, reducing the number of seams and enhancing the bag's weather resistance. Brand: Billingham, Model: 503333-70, Color: Brown
Custom Tab 01
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