Dwyer Magnehelic Series 2000 Differential Pressure Gauge, Range 0.05-0-0.20"WC

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  • Bezel provides flange for flush mounting in panel.
  • Clear plastic face is highly resistant to breakage. Provides undistorted viewing of pointer and scale.
  • Precision litho-printed scale is accurate and easy to read.
  • Red tipped pointer of heat treated aluminum tubing is easy to see. It is rigidly mounted on the helix shaft.
  • Pointer stops of molded rubber prevent pointer over-travel without damage.

  • Select the Magnehelic gage for high accuracy--guaranteed within 2% of full scale--and for the wide choice of 81 models available to suit your needs precisely. Using Dwyer's simple, frictionless Magnehelic gage movement, it quickly indicates low air or non-corrosive gas pressures--either positive, negative (vacuum) or differential. The design resists shock, vibration and over-pressures. No manometer fluid to evaporate, freeze or cause toxic or leveling problems. It's inexpensive, too.
    Brand: Dwyer, Model: 2000-00N, Size: 0.05-0-0.20"WC

    Custom Tab 01

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