Cozy Products FWB Super Foot Warmer Heated Foot Warming Mat Rubber Design Extra Large

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  • Heavy-duty rubber mat draws just 135 watts, "AC powered".
  • Gently warms feet using both radiant and direct heat
  • Operational temperature of 130°F.
  • Perfect for adding heat under desks and at standing work stations
  • Not for use on wood, carpet, or other delicate surfaces

  • The Super Foot Warmer Heated Mat is composed of waterproof, rugged, black rubber material that is best used to warm feet through shoes or socks. Operating on merely 135 watts, the surface temperature is able to reach up to 130°F. Caution should be taken when placing the Foot Warmer on delicate floors such as carpet, linoleum, or wood due to the risk of damage. This heated mat is ideal for use on hard, cold, impervious floors such as concrete, tile, and stone. TUV-listed for safety, this mat's waterproof surface is also ideal for use to melt snow from dirty boots.
    Brand: Cozy, Model: FWB, Color: Black, Size: Extra Large

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