A single 7.5 oz bag of our Original Paleokrunch Cereal; This gluten-free, grain-free granola has Krunchy clusters made from a simple but delicious blend of coconut, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and honey.
Hand-made in small batches without any GMO's, refined sugars, and artificial ingredients, Paleokrunch is full of fiber to help aid digestion and heart-healthy fats to provide you with sustainable energy throughout your day.
Clean and nutritious, this crunchy Paleo cereal is easy to enjoy straight out of the bag; it also makes an easy breakfast with some yogurt and fresh fruit, or throw it in a smoothie for a light but powerful pre- or post-workout energy boost.
The easily portable and conveniently resealable bag makes Paleokrunch perfect for tossing in your lunch box, gym bag, or backpack. Whether you're in the great outdoors hitting the trail on your next camping trip or need a nutritious snack to get you through the day, our grainless granola will have you covered.
Steve's is a small family owned and operated business since 2008. Our products are made by hand in small batches, using the best ingredients, as close to nature as possible. Handmade is the Paleo way!
Miss your morning cereal Not anymore! Our Original PaleoKrunch option is a delicious, lightly sweet blend of almonds, seeds, coconut, and a touch of honey. It can be eaten as a cereal or as a snack straight from the bag, can be enjoyed with berries and coconut milk, or you can freeze it for an extra-chilly treat! This is the perfect gluten-free, grain-free, healthy anytime treat! SPG Brand: Steve's PaleoGoods, Size: Single Bag
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