Paradise Toys Creative Foraging Systems Foraging Sphere 3-Inch Diameter

Paradise Toys
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  • Use for Finches Parakeets Cockatiels Conures Caciques Amazons Parrots African Greys etc.
  • For small birds fill with spray millet and/or fresh spinach Conures prefer dehydrated fruit Parrots love nuts and fresh veggies
  • Increase difficulty level by strategically locating foraging toy in a more physically demanding positions
  • Daily food foraging reduces boredom and may reduce feather picking or other negative behaviors
  • Made with pet safe materials and pear link fastener for easy attachment to cage

  • The sphere is a foraging toy for inexperienced birds but may be used by most birds. Start today and discover the benefits of foraging and a of providing a fully enriched environment. Veterinarians agree that food foraging is a necessary, healthy behavior which will positively impact your pets psychological and physical wellness, Fill With Your Birds Favorite Treats, Veggies, Etc.
    Brand: Paradise Toys, Model: 611, Color: clear, Size: 10 IN

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