The Original Big Snap-E Mouse Rat Trap, Easy Set, Re-useable, Durable, Easy to Bait, Provides a sure catch.

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  • Big Snap-E is the end of the road for rats and other large rodents. Easy to bait. Easy to set. Easy to release. Nothing could be better in a rat trap.
  • Rodents have no escape time and once caught, they stay caught. Sanitary disposal and easy cleaning for years of use.
  • Extra-large trip paddle and 90 degree strike bar. Shorter strike distance doubles response speed. Never touch the critter to release, just pull back on the vertical bar.
  • Strike bar travels half the distance of old-fashioned wooden trap. 2 Pre-Formed holes in the base for easy surface mounting. Catches mice from the front, back and sides.
  • Pre-Formed bait cup minimizes bait stealing. Made from steel and durable polystyrene. Easy to clean. Reusable. Catches: Rats, Chipmunks, Ground Squirrels, Other large rodent.

  • Big Snap-E Rat Trap by Kness Easy to Bait: Place peanut butter in bait cup. A special bait cup and trip paddle make it nearly impossible for rats to steal bait without getting trapped. Easy to Set: Place trap in a problem area, on a flat surface, preferably near a wall. With both thumbs, pull back slowly on upper bar until it locks firmly in catch. Trap is set when strike bar is in upright position. Easy to Dispose of Rat: To dispose of rat, simply pull back on the upright bar until the rat is released. Snap-E Mouse Trap is escape-proof and you never have to touch another mouse. Snap-E Mousetraps are easy to use and made to last. Use them year after year. They're safe, simple and sanitary. Steel and durable polystyrene materials make them tough. Smart engineering - including a larger trip paddle and strike bar - makes them work every time.
    Brand: Kness, Model: 1030005, Size: large rat trap

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