The Company of Animals Baskerville Ultra Basket Dog Muzzle Adjustable and Comfortable Secure Fit - Durable Lightweight Rubber - Stops Biting, safe retraining of aggressive dogs- Size-5, Black

The Company of Animals
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  • SOFT & LIGHTWEIGHT rubber basket design gives all-around mouth protection allowing canines unrestricted eating, drinking and panting while preventing biting. Used for safe socialization, safe handling during vet visits, grooming or dog travelling.
  • EXTREMELY TOUGH AND DURABLE made of a malleable thermal plastic rubber which can be heated and shaped for a personalized tailored fit around dog's snout, including broad nosed dogs. Gives all around protection for biting or snappy dogs.
  • SAFE & SECURE ergonomically designed safety strapping ensures muzzle will remain securely in place and features two attachment points using an attachment loop designed to attach to your dog's regular collar and an optional, removable over-head safety strap
  • ADJUSTABLE & COMFORTABLE Neoprene padded lining for added comfort and fully adjustable neck and head straps with pre-holed webbing for a quick and secure fit.
  • DOG FRIENDLY - allows canines to drink, pant and be rewarded and treated. Perfect for daily dog exercise and walks.

  • Dogs can wear muzzles for many different reasons. Whether for the careful socialization of a new rescue dog, general handling or to safely manage aggression, it is important that the dog is happy and secure wearing a muzzle.

    Dr. Roger Mugford developed the patented Baskerville Ultra Muzzle to provide an optimal muzzle fit for all dogs, including shorter nose breeds such as Boxers. The Ultra Muzzle perfectly combines comfort for the dog and owner peace of mind.

    The Baskerville Ultra muzzle is designed to guarantee a dog's welfare by allowing panting and drinking at all times.

    Brand: The Company of Animals, Model: MBU05, Color: Black, Size: 5

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