K&H Pet Products Thermo-Kitty Sill Heated Pet Bed Fleece 14" x 24" 6W

K&H Pet Products
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  • The K&H Thermo-Kitty Sill gives your pet heated, enjoyable relaxation while looking out of the window, giving your pet a sense of peace and tranquility. Designed for 24/7 operation so you can leave it plugged in all day!You can feel comfort knowing your pet is snuggly warm in a pet bed that offers heat 24 hours a day, no matter the weather. Comes with a classy Fleece cover.
  • The heated pad is thermostatically controlled to warm to your pet's normal body temperature when in use, bringing the ultimate feel of pleasant warmth to your pet. The heater is also energy efficient using only 6 watts and has a 5.5" long cord. This product has a 1-year limited warranty.
  • The Thermo-Kitty Sill is for indoor use and accommodates even the largest of cats with its 14" x 24" size and sturdy design. This product can support up to 40 pounds. The soft and cozy orthopedic foam base gives your pet extreme comfort. This product has a no sweat, no tool required, easy assembly.
  • Easy Cleaning! Simply unplug & remove the internal Pet Bed Warmer (heated model only). Then remove the cover and wash it on the gentle cycle with cold water. Then line dry or use the no-heat cycle on your dryer.
  • This product has been thoroughly tested and is certified by MET Laboratories to surpass USA and Canadian electrical safety standards.Don't be bamboozled by electrical products that have not been tested and approved by a legitimate nationally recognized testing laboratory.
  • Supports over 40 pounds
  • Super soft orthopedic foam
  • Washable faux lambskin
  • Size - 14" x 24" surface, 6 watt
  • Recommended for year-round indoor use

  • We incorporated advanced engineering for strength and ease of assembly, with an attractive oval design. Its dual thermostat heating unit is buried deep within super soft orthopedic foam and is removable for year round comfort. The heater is pre-set to keep the sleeping surface 12° to 15° above ambient air temperature and warms to your kitties natural body temperature when they lie on it. No tools are necessary for installation when using the provided Velcro fasteners. We also include screws for a more permanent attachment. One year limited warranty.
    Brand: K&H Pet Products, Model: 3095, Color: White, Size: 14" X 24"

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