K&H Pet Products Pet Bed Warmer Large Tan 11" x 23.75" 13W - Place Inside Most Any Pet Bed

K&H Pet Products
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  • An energy efficient way to heat virtually any pet bed
  • All sizes warm the surface of a pet bed to your pet's normal body temperature only when your pet lies in their bed
  • Large Measures 11-inches by 24-inches and uses 13 watts
  • Keep your pet's bed warm and toasty year-round
  • MET Listed; One year Limited Warranty
  • Pet bed warmer for virtually any indoor pet bed
  • 13-watt dual thermostat heats to 102 degrees F when pet is present
  • Stays 12 to 15 degrees above room temperature when pet is not in bed
  • Recommended for year-round indoor use; plugs in to any household outlet
  • Measures 11 by 24 inches; limited 1-year warranty

  • With the addition of a K&H Pet Bed Warmer, any pet bed can provide comfort and warmth. It can be placed inside virtually any pet bed and is easy to use. Just plug it in! It will become your cat or dog's favorite place to nap. Dual thermostats regulate temperature using only 13 watts. Pet is comfortable up to 102 when lying on a heated bed. The heater is set to keep the surface 12 to 15 degrees above ambient air temperature and warms to a pleasing 102 degrees when the pet lies upon it.
    Brand: K&H Pet Products, Model: 3103, Color: Whites &Amp; Tans, Size: Large

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