K&H Pet Products Mod Thermo-Kitty Heated Shelter Tan 21" x 14" x 13" 25W Great for Outdoor Cats

K&H Pet Products
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  • Heated floor uses only 25 watts and warms to your pet's normal body temperature when your pet lies on the pad
  • Rugged 600 Denier polyester exterior
  • Easy to assemble
  • Large enough for any cat
  • Great for barn, shed, porch, garage, under a deck or anywhere extreme temperatures exist
  • One year limited warranty

  • Simple. Heated. Safe. Energy efficient. The Mod Thermo Kitty Shelter is a simple zip together design. The rigid exterior will hold up to any use. The extreme weather design keeps outdoor cats warm down to the lowest temperatures mother nature can throw at it. Half the floor is heated by a K&H Small Animal Heated Pad so the cat can choose to be on or off the warmth. Use in a barn, shed, porch, garage, under a deck or anywhere extreme temperatures exist. MET listed. One year limited warranty.
    Brand: K&H Pet Products, Model: 5121, Color: Tan, Size: 15 by 21.5 by 13-Inch

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