Sunbeam - Queen Size Heated Blanket Luxurious Velvet Plush with 2 Digital Controllers and Auto-off Feature - 5yr Warranty, Blue

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  • America's #1 Electric Heated Blanket!
  • Save Money - Turn down your thermostat and still relax in warmth and comfort
  • Easy to use multi-setting controller 20 heat levels, Selectable Auto-Off, Preheat Features
  • Velvet Plush: Extra Soft and plush comfortable fabric; Made from 100 percent Polyester
  • Includes Limited Manufacturer's Warranty from Sunbeam

  • Indulge in the rich softness of the Sunbeam Velvet Plush Heated Blanket, Queen Size Lagoon Blue (BSV8SQ-R596-42). The beautiful ultra-soft velvety fabric is smooth to the touch. Stylish channel pattern and hemmed edges finish off the blanket with sophistication. Wrap yourself in luxurious warmth throughout the night. With personalized heat settings prepare for a restful night of soothing comfort and elegance. The thermofine warming system of the blanket monitors temperature and auto-adjusts to keep the level of warmth consistent throughout the night.

    Sunbeam blankets are a smart way to cut energy costs as well. They allow you to save up to 10 percent a year on your heating bills by turning on your heated blanket and setting your thermostat down by 10-15 percent for 8 hours while sleeping. Made of 100 percent polyester, the blanket presents a soft surface that is smooth and soothing to the touch. The blanket includes 20 heating levels, while an easy-to-operate control makes it simple to find exactly the right setting. Features include pre-heat and selectable auto-off for safety. For easy care, the blanket is fully machine washable and dryer safe. Also includes a Limited Warranty from Sunbeam.

    -Queen (84 in x 89 in) Dual Heating Controls

    Note for Customers Outside of North America. These heated bedding products were made to work with 110V Electrical systems. If you live in a country that utilizes a different electrical system you may need to use a converter for these products to function. The act of using a converter automatically voids the warranty on these products. All Sunbeam Blankets are rigorously tested and approved by a third party (UL or ETK Intertek) to comply with current industry safety standards. Please reference the included use and safety instructions to insure safe operation. Additional safety certification for this product can be viewed on the UL or Intertek websites or by calling their perspective customer care phone numbers
    Brand: Sunbeam, Model: LAGGON BLUE, Color: Lagoon Blue, Size: Queen

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