Martex Super Soft Fleece Blanket - Full/Queen, Warm, Lightweight, Pet-Friendly, Throw for Home Bed, Sofa & Dorm - Linen

WestPoint Home
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  • VALUE: An affordable, three-season blanket that's soft and warm, yet lightweight
  • VERSATILITY: Overall comfort and generous size make it ideal to cover any bed or act as a spare blanket for guests, couch, or college dorm
  • LIGHTWEIGHT BUT COZY: 100% Polyester Fleece that feels great and retains heat
  • EASY CARE: Machine wash before use and follow care instructions for best results, long-lasting wear, and no-pill appearance
  • DIMENSIONS: Measures 90 inches wide by 90 inches long (Full/Queen); 66 inches wide x 90 inches long (twin); 108 inches wide by 90 inches long (King)

  • MARTEX SUPER SOFT FLEECE BLANKET The Martex Super Soft Fleece Blanket provides comfort for your bedroom, living room couch, rec room, or dorm room any time you need that just-right amount of warmth. Lightweight and generously-sized, this poly-fleece blanket delivers ample insulation and coziness without the added bulk, making it perfect for three-season enjoyment. Plus, easy care with machine washability ensures long-lasting performance and satisfaction from this value-minded blanket.
  • 100% Polyester Fleece
  • Available in a variety of colors
  • Pet-Friendly
  • Available in Full/Queen, King, and Twin
  • ABOUT MARTEX With quality that families have counted on for over a century, Martex continues its legacy of great value, high quality, and everyday style.
    Brand: WestPoint Home, Model: C100223, Color: Linen, Size: Full/Queen

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