Soft flexible IntelliFlex bristles detangle hair with ease.
Ergonomically designed handle provides stylists with a comfortable grip that makes this brush a stylist's best friend.
Perfect for men, women and kids with all hair types.
Great for hair extensions and wigs.
Works great on wet and dry hair.
Super soft IntelliFlex bristles
Detangle hair with ease, even when wet
For any kind of hair, thick, curly, or straight
Great for extensions and wigs
Works on wet and dry hair
Wet Brush, The Wet Collection includes brushes and combs that are perfect for detangling wet hair. You can use them on wet, damp or dry hair! They make a great styling tool for anyone in the family! Color coded for the entire family. Women, men and children will love the results of these ultra strength styling tools. The comb features an integrated pick that allows for volume and lift. Guaranteed not to break, extremely heat resistant. Soft, rubberized non-slip grip for a secure, comfortable hold. The unique, soft, flexible, nylon brush bristles create an entirely new brushing experience! Brand: Wet Brush, Model: Wet Brush Pro Detangle Hair Brush, Metal, Color: Metallic Pink, Size: 1.5 Ounce
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