TAG Face Paint 6 Color Palette - Neon (10g)

TAG Body Art
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Brand TAG Body Art

  • Each 6 color Tag Face Paint Palette is good for 50-200 applications
  • Comes with 6 colors (Neon Green, Neon Blue, Neon Purple, Neon Magenta, Neon Yellow and Neon Orange) in 10 gram containers
  • TAG Face Paint is very easy to blend, soft on the skin and does not crack or peel
  • TAG face paint can also be used in your hair and washes out easily
  • TAG face paint is hypoallergenic and made with non-toxic, skin safe ingredients

  • TAG Neon Face Paint Palette comes with 6 colors (Neon Green, Neon Blue, Neon Purple, Neon Magenta, Neon Yellow and Neon Orange) in 10 gram containers. Also included is two face painting brushes: one flat and one round. TAG Neon Face Paints pop out under black light and great for special effects. During the day, TAGs Neons are colorful and bright under normal light. TAG Face Paint is very easy to blend, soft on the skin and does not crack or peel. Most of TAGs face painting colors are great for line work and lighter face painting colors show very well even when over darker colors. TAG facepaint has a wax base, so your face painting design flexes with movement instead of cracking, remains colorful and is comfortable to wear. TAG is a very soft creamy face paint and needs less water to activate than normal face paint. TAG face paint is hypoallergenic and made with non-toxic, skin safe ingredients. Each 6 color TAG Face Paint Palette is good for 50-200 applications.

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