PORTABLE. Small, palm sized, essential oil diffuser with LED soft blue lighting.Usefor aromatherapy on the go.
PERSONALIZED AROMATHERAPY.Promote a healthy fragrant environment in your personal area.
INCLUDES ABSORBING FRAGRANT PADS.A plug-in oil diffuser includes three(3) replaceable micro-absorbing fragrance pads.
RUNS SILENTLY.Essential oil diffuser runs a silent fan that broadcasts a fragrant aroma scent using your favorite essential oils.
USB or BATTERY POWERED. Runs on an included USB cable. Plugin to the USB port on a Mac or PC.Also runs on 2 AA batteries.
This portable fragrant essential oil diffuser is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Promote a healthy fragrant environment while you enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy. Just apply a few drops of essential oil and instantly begin to feel the effects. The unit includes 3 micro fiber absorbing pad which may be replaced after extended use or when changing out the fragrance. A silent fan projects the beneficial scent using your choice of pure essential oil. The soft blue LED light indicates power as it runs on the USB cord for use with computer or universal wall adapter. For a completely wireless operation, use 2 AA batteries (not included). Perfect for the car, desktop, on a plane, in hotels, or beside your bed. Brand: SpaRoom, Model: 852030004288, Color: White
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