Rotadent procare newest and best model 2016Designed for better home care brush-head-detail90,000 Filament sweeps per secondSuperior to leading powered & sonic brushesClinically proven as effective as brushing & flossing
Think rotadentis just another toothbrush Think again. As a clinician, your homecare recommendations are a vital part of your patient's oral health success. Set your patients up for success with an effective one-step solution. Not just another toothbrush - RotaDent is a disease-fighting homecare instrument clinically proven to be as effective as manual brushing and flossing micro access filaments and 360-degree rotation mechanically remove 92% of plaque in the first minute exclusive distribution to the dental office, eliminating retail competition try RotaDent for yourself and experience the difference that could help your patients who are still struggling with home care.
Brand: RotaDent, Model: 94000v