RODIN olio lusso Perfume, 30 ml

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  • Simple and sensual, RODIN perfume captures the brand's signature jasmine and neroli scent at its heart.
  • An oil based perfume that can be worn alone or layered, it is distinctive and enduring.
  • Perfect for anyone who loves the delicate RODIN olio lusso Jasmine and Neroli products.
  • Paraben-free, Phthalate-free, Silicone-free, Sulfate-free and Cruelty-free.

  • Steered by the ideal that there's beauty in simplicity, Linda Rodin longed for a perfect product that could caress and nourish her skin in a natural and luxurious way. The fashion iconoclast and stylist created her dream elixir in 2007, with the signature Jasmine & Neroli Face Oil. An international cult following quickly grew as did the RODIN olio lusso line. Today, RODIN offers numerous scented face and body oils, known for leaving skin feeling supple and radiant. Additionally, the line includes sophisticated products for the hair and body, a rich array of lipsticks and lip pencils, as well as wonderfully fragrant lifestyle products.
    Brand: rodin, Size: 1 fl oz

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