Reuzel Red Pomade 4 oz

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  • CONTROL YOUR OWN STRENGTH AND SHINE - Looks great all day long and its sweat proof formula is ideal for active men. It is best used to emphasize texture and separation with the moldable, flexible hold of natural clay.
  • STRONGEST WHEN APPLIES TO DRY HAIR -  For a heavy hold, blow dry the hair before applying. For a lighter hold, simply towel dry before applying.
  • GREAT SHINE - Reuzel Pomade is a versatile water based product that allows you to control its strength and degree of shine.
  • LONG LASTING -This pomade does not dry or harden in the hair so you can restyle as needed throughout the day without loosing control or shine.
  • EASY APPLICATION - Simply comb, brush or hand style into the desired shape. Add more Pomade or more water as needed to perfect the style.

  • Reuzel RED Pomade is a water soluble formula, packed with high sheen. Holds like wax, yet rinses out easily like a gel. Retains Pliability in the hair throughout the day and never hardens or flakes. This super concentrated pomade works on any hair thickness or texture and creates a polished look for any hair style.
    Brand: REUZEL, Model: 102, Color: Red, Size: 0.4

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