Reuzel Green Pomade 4 oz

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  • VERSATILE WAX AND OIL - Ingredient based product that allows you to control its strength and degree of shine.HEAVY AND STRONG HOLD - This formula is as strong as a gel, without leaving the sticky residue
  • EASY APPLICATION - work an ample amount of grease between the palms of the hands until it warms and softens.Reuzel grease is strongest when applied to dry hair, for the heaviest (90 weight) hold apply to blow dried hair
  • CONTROLS YOU HAIR - Looks great all day long and its sweat proof formula is ideal for active men. It is best used to emphasize texture and separation with the moldable, flexible hold of natural clay
  • KEEPS HAIR IN PLACE ALL DAY - Retains its pliability in the hair throughout the day and never hardens or flakes. Get the lasting hold you desire all day long

  • Reuzel Grease is a versatile wax and oil based product that allows you to control its strength and degree of shine. Reuzel Grease is strongest when applied to dry hair. For the heaviest hold, apply to blow dried hair, for a medium hold, apply to towel dried hair. The Green Pomade provides a medium hold for styling hair. Apply Reuzel Grease by working an ample amount of Grease between the palms of the hands until it warms and softens then apply thoroughly through the hair from roots to ends.
    Brand: REUZEL, Model: REU002, Size: 0.4

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