Please Note: Developer is not included with this product, it needs to be purchased separately.
Natural Brown No. 3 is a strong and versatile opaque brown that creates the most natural brunette looks.
Natural brown lashes and brows. Mixable with all 8 RefectoCil tints. Smudge- and waterproof. Lasts 6 weeks.
For professional use only. Wear suitable gloves. Please read the enclosed leaflet before applying.
Allergy test: We recommend an allergy test (patch test) before the first application as well as after long periods without tinting.
Within ten minutes (development period) Refectocil produces permanent coverage and even coloration which lasts several weeks. The vivid coloration is light and water resistant. A complete line of tinting accessories renders the application of Refectocil professional, simple and very profitable. Refectocil is the perfect choice for dyeing beards, sideburns and even intimate hair! Brand: RefectoCil, Model: 0501003, Color: Natural Brown, Size: cm
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