Each kit includes four all metal manicure tools with silver chrome finish - nail file, scissors, clipper and tweezers
Each kit measures 5 1/2" x 2 7/8"
Give the girls a gift that's a real keeper with these adorable flip flop design manicure sets. Every woman knows that when her flip flops come out of the closet, the summer has officially begun. She also knows that it's mani and pedi time! So, Fashioncraft decided to pay homage to these beloved summer starters all in one fabulous favor. And, once your guests or gift recipients see these cute and useful manicure sets, we're guessing they'll jump - or flip - for joy! Description and details: Each manicure set measures 6.25" x 2 7/8"Case is made of hot pink and black faux leather with a dual level pouch and white stitching details in the shape of a flip flop baseThe front is clear vinyl with a silkscreened white polka dot and black flip flop strap design that snaps down to hold the tools tucked in placeFour all-metal manicure tools with a silver chrome finish, including a nail file, scissors, nail clipper and tweezers. Lots of fun but also practical Sets come bulk packed in a poly bag Brand: Fashioncraft, Model: 5956, Color: Yellow
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