NEW Gelish Soak Off Gel Nail Polish Remover & Cleanser Bottles 120mL Nail File

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  • This bottle of Gelish Gel Polish Remover is designed to remove Gelish Soak-Off Gel Polish in 10 minutes or less, with conditioning additives that keep the skin from drying, and maintain a healthy nail.

  • Even after three weeks, your gel manicure is still looking pretty good, but its time for a change. When youre ready to try out a new color or refresh your signature shade, using Gelish Soak-off Nail Polish Remover & Cleanser will simplify the process without being harsh or damaging. Both products in this set are formulated to be most compatible with Gelish lacquers, but they also work with other popular brands of gel polish, including Red Carpet Manicure and OPI. Use the nail polish remover to take off your gel manicure quickly and easily in ten minutes or less. The gentle, rose-scented formula has hydrating properties to maintain healthy nails and cuticles while still being effective. The surface cleanser can be used before your gel manicure or after. This product is specifically designed to used with Gelishs Top It Off top coat. Use it to prep your nails by removing oil and lint before applying your polish. Once the lacquer is on, use the cleanser again to clear away residue and maintain brilliant shine.
    Brand: Gelish

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