Nature by Canus, Fresh Goat's Soap - Milk Vegetable Based Soap Bar, Lavender Oil with No Parabens, Phosphates. Health Care Products

Nature by Canus
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  • Lavender Soap Bar: cytophylactic properties of this vegetable soap bar promotes rapid healing of damaged skin which can help in reducing the effects of scarring and provides gentle exfoliation, conditioning and moisturizing benefits for the skin
  • Organic Soap: made of fresh goat's milk, this natural plant based soap is rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and triglycerides. This uniquely formulated lavender soap is highly preferred for its health benefits
  • Milk-Vegetable Soap: the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of this herbal soap allow it to fight away the bacteria that cause acne and inflammation, enhancing your well-being
  • Personal Care Soap: Does not contain parabens and phosphates. The lavender oil infused soap provides gentle exfoliation, conditioning and moisturizing benefits to the skin
  • Herbal Soap: the natural floral and herbal scent of Lavender has a harmonizing and calming effect on the nerves. Lavender is also effective in relieving migraines, headaches, reducing anxiety, stress and promoting sleep

  • Use Nature by Canus, Fresh Goat's Milk Vegetable-Based Soap Bar which is formulated to provide you with various health benefits. This natural soap with powerful anti-oxidants fight against the harmful effects of pollutants on the skin. 100% vegetable soap is highly beneficial for skin and is infused with lavender oil. This biodegradable-vegan soap is gentle and versatile — perfect for washing body, face or hair. This natural bar is infused with pure lavender oil which calms the mind and soothe the body. Make your skin feel not only clean, but soft and supple every time you use Canus soap!
    Brand: Nature by Canus, Model: 208, Size: 5 OZ

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