Moon Glow - 0.42oz Blacklight Neon UV Face & Body Paint - White

Moon Glow
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  • Brightest Glow under Blacklight - Guaranteed!
  • Genuine Moon Glow branded product. Made in the United Kingdom.
  • Bright, neon coloured in natural light, and produces an incredible glow under UV Lighting/Blacklights!
  • Easy to apply, dries quickly, simple to remove with soap and water
  • Dermatologically Tested, Non Toxic, Conforms to EU1223/2009.

  • Create stunning effects on the face and body using Moon Glow face and body paints. Bright, neon coloured in natural lighting, these paints fluoresce spectacularly under UV Lighting/Blacklights, producing an incredible UV Glow. The unique flake free and smudge resistant formula ensures your designs will last all night! Perfect for clubbing, parties, festivals, UV sports, stage performances and anywhere with UV Lighting. To use, simply remove the foil tip and apply to skin using fingers, a brush or sponge. Avoid Contact with eyes. Add more layers (once dry) to increase the effect under UV. After use, simply remove using soap and water. All Moon Glow cosmetic and special effect products are proudly made in the UK. Dermatologically tested, non toxic and conforms to EU1223/2009. Moon Glow products are not tested on animals.
    Brand: Moon Glow, Color: White

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