Item expires after 24 months once the product is open
Nail biting and thumb sucking habit-breaking and prevention treatment with easy, brush on application
Bitter yet harmless taste and the appearance of clear enamel helps break the nail biting and thumb sucking habit
Keeps nails healthy and strong and keeps hands out of mouth to prevent spread of germs
Safe for children aged four and adults of all ages
Recommended by dentists, orthodontists and pediatricians nationwide
Apply a coat over the entire nail (or polish) and allow to dry. Repeat the application every two days. Continue the treatment until nail biting is ended. Of course, before each re-application, remove Mavala Stop with Nail Polish Remover. Precaution : Never wash hands immediately after application For external use only. Not for children under 3 years old. Brand: MAVALA, Model: 90312, Size: 0.3 ounces
Custom Tab 01
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