Shave off all your back hair effortlessly with the new mangroomer essential back shaver
Unique patented design enables men of all sizes and shapes to easily reach all areas of your back from different angles with ease
Sleek, lightweight, compact design goes from its discreet stored position to fully functional easily in a matter of seconds
Extra-wide blade enables extremely close and smooth results without the potential of ingrown hairs that manual back razors commonly cause.Fully extendable and adjustable handle locks into place at various lengths to reach even the most difficult middle and lower portions of the back
Operates on just 2 AA batteries/.Battery Charge Life: Up to 5 Hours
MANGROOMER is "the essential do-it-yourself electric back hair shaver" for men. The unique patented design enables a man to remove unwanted back hair by himself in the privacy of his own home or while traveling. Every man should have the option to remove unwanted back hair easily by himself, privately, quickly, painlessly and inexpensively. MANGROOMER has a sleek, lightweight, compact design that folds flat for storage and travel and when needed opens easily and quickly for instant use. When the shaver is operated its unique patented design enables you to reach all areas of your back with ease. The handle is fully extendable and adjustable and locks into place at various lengths to reach even the most difficult middle and lower portions of the back for men of all sizes. Operates on just 2 AA batteries Brand: MANGROOMER, Model: 101-6
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