Little Twig All Natural, Hypoallergenic Conditioning Detangler with an Organic Blend of Tangerine, Lemon, and Rosemary, Happy Tangerine Scent, 8.5 Fluid Oz
All natural blend of tangerine, lemon and rosemary
Cruelty free - no animal testing
Pediatrician Tested & hypoallergenic
Made in the USA
Little Twig's natural fruit and flower essences and blends of tangerine, lemon and rosemary are guaranteed to make the whole family happy. Happy Tangerine's light and lively fragrance rejuvenates the senses while replenishing moisture and nutrients to baby's skin and scalp. Left in or rinsed out, Little Twig's conditioning formula will tame the wildest of curls. This detangler will smooth and protect delicate hair, leaving little heads smelling clean, fresh - and happy! Children mean the world to us and the world means everything to our children. Our mission at Little Twig is to provide families with the safest and most natural bath time alternative. We use only the most effective natural botanical ingredients in all of our Little Twig products for pure and gentle personal care. Our commitment to natural care for the whole family makes our world a healthier, happier place, one tub at a time. Brand: Little Twig, Model: DT802, Color: Tangerine, Size: 8.5 ounce
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