An infused blend of Chamomile, Aloe Vera and Passion Flower Extracts.
0% Silicone.
Shiny hair as nature intended.
Shampoo cleans to reveal natural shine.
Unleash the power of your naturally beautiful hair.
Go Back to that Amazing Hair Day. Enter a world of botanical bliss. Herbal Essences Shine Collection Shampoo's formula will unleash the power of your naturally beautiful hair. Embracing you like a meadow of fresh flowers, this luxurious shampoo has a blend of chamomile, aloe vera and passion flower botanical extracts. This shampoo cleans to reveal natural shine and takes your hair to a place its never been before. Herbal Lore: The word "chamomile" comes from ancient Greece and means "ground apple. In Medieval times chamomile petals were strewn about at gatherings to create a pleasant fragrance. Brand: Herbal Essences, Model: NA, Size: Shampoo, Pack of 1
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