0.25 fl oz oil-based perfume, not diluted in SD alcohol as are most perfumes
Made in Maui
Hawaii's most romantic perfume
Bottled in a collectible glass-lined porcelain bottle with exquisite artwork by Maui artist Linda Bergstrom
We cannot guarantee any certain design on the bottle due to the ever-changing artwork decoration by the manufacturer. However, you will receive a dark blue porcelain bottle in this size.
The Hawaiian Night Mist perfume is said to be Hawaii's most romantic perfume. It is an exotic blend of tropical floral perfume oils. It is an oil based product that is not diluted in SD alcohol, so it is stronger, more concentrated and long lasting.Hawaiian Night Mist comes in a lovely porcelain bottle, with ever changing artwork decoration designed by Maui Artist Linda Bergstrom. The design artwork is exquisite, with many limited editions on the porcelain bottles. Sorry we cannot guarantee any certain design, but it will be a navy blue porcelain bottle in this size. Brand: The Hawaiian Classic Perfumes Collection
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