ellamila Nail Care, Quick Dry Top Coat - In a Rush (high glossy shine, UV inhibitor which prevents yellowing)

ella mila
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  • Fast dry top coat with high glossy shine
  • UV inhibitor which prevents yellowing
  • Does not contain Formaldehyde, Toluene, DiButyl Phthalate (DBP), Formaldehyde Resin, Camphor, TPHP, Xylene
  • Stronger nails, silky, and resistant to peeling and chipping
  • Made in the USA | certified by PeTA!

  • Quick Dry Top Coat (14.78 ml - 0.5 fl oz)

    This fast drying top coat dries up to 4 coats of enamel to a high, glossy shine in less than 3 minutes. When applied, it also hides any imperfections in the application of the nail enamel. It contains a UV inhibitor which prevents yellowing.

    Application : Apply one coat of fast drying top coat to shaded nails.

    Our story : EllaMila launched their adorable polish line with a unique mommy&me set, featuring one big "mommy" bottle and one small "me" bottle. They offer preset pairs with the unique option of customizing your own mommy&me set, creating endless choices of color pairings. EllaMila also has available individual bottles that are sold separately.

    EllaMila continuously adds colors to their polish collection based on trends and social media feedback. They are currently developing the Love Collection, an array of dreamy colors that promises to spread pretty polishes to all those in love. In addition to their popular and trendy color choices and option of two different sized bottles, EllaMila polishes are also safer and cooler, and here's why. Not only are they long-lasting, chip-resistant, and quick-drying, all EllaMila polishes are also 100% vegan, never tested on innocent animals, certified by PeTA, made in the USA and most importantly "7-Free."

    Polish with love, ellamila

    Brand: ella mila, Color: In a Rush

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