Dove MenCare Body and Face Wash Clean Comfort 13.5 oz

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  • Dove MenCare Clean Comfort Body and Face Wash provides hydration for healthier, stronger skin
  • #1 Dermatologist Recommended, Dove MenCare Body Wash leaves skin cool and comfortably clean
  • MICROMOISTURE technology activates when lathering
  • Clean Comfort Body Wash rinses off easily and features a clean, crisp scent
  • Dove MenCare Body and Face Wash is developed specifically for men's skin

  • For a clean and comfortable start to the day, add Dove MenCare Clean Comfort Body and Face Wash to your shower routine. This crisp, refreshing body men's body wash with MICROMOISTURE technology helps keep skin hydrated, healthy looking and strong, and is clinically proven to fight skin dryness better than regular men's body wash. The highly effective cleansing formula rinses off easily to deliver a refreshing clean and total skin comfort, and this #1 Dermatologist recommended brand body wash can be used both as a body wash and a face wash. Delivering total skin comfort, this men's body wash rinses away cleanly without leaving any residue behind so you get a refreshing clean. Uniquely formulated for men with MICROMOISTURE technology that activates when lathering, Dove MenCare Clean Comfort Body Wash helps to lock in your skin's natural moisture and leave it feeling fresh and hydrated. This shower gel for men is noncomedogenic, hypoallergenic, and gentle enough to use on your face. The formula leaves you with a clean body and a crisp, refreshing scent. Now you can start your day with skin that feels healthy, protected, clean, and refreshed with this powerful and effective body wash for men. For a clean face and body, cover half your palm in Dove MenCare Body and Face Wash. Make the gel into a light foam lather between your hands and gently work it into your face and body before rinsing thoroughly.
    Brand: Dove, Model: 10011111014128, Color: Gray, Size: 13.5 Ounce

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