Diane Double Prong Clips can be used to secure rollers in hair and achieve gorgeous pin curls. These hair clips feature two prongs for a durable grip. Made from nickel plated steel, these clips are rust resistant for long lasting quality. How to Use: For retro pin curls: With semi-damp hair, create a deep side part using a rat-tail comb. For medium-sized curls, grab a 1 inch section of hair, and for larger curls, a larger section of hair. Starting at the ends of hair, roll up section in a clockwise position around finger, and secure clip in place as close to your scalp as possible. Continue until all hair is secured in clips. Sleep with clips in place, or allow enough time for hair to dry and set. Remove each clip gently. With a styling comb, gently comb through pin curls to achieve a glamorous look. For use with hair rollers: Section off a piece of hair and wrap it around roller from ends to roots. Secure roller in place with clip. Brand: Diane, Model: D17, Size: 80 pack
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