Desert Essence Thoroughly Clean Face Wash - Original -- 4 fl oz

Desert Essence
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  • Desert Essence
  • Desert Essence Thoroughly Clean Face Wash - Original 4 fl oz (120 ml) Liquid

  • We at Desert Essence believe in renewal. Renewal for body, mind and spirit. Inspired by the healing spirit of the desert, our sustainable, natural products draw from nutrient rich desert botanicals like Jojoba, Aloe and Tea Tree, all revered in native cultures for their deep healing properties. Naturally effective, without harsh chemicals, our products work in harmony with your body to nurture, soothe and restore.Desert Inspired. Beauty Renewal.This gentle and unique cleansing solution leave your skin feeling clean and silky. Eco-Harvest Tea Tree Oil, a known antiseptic leaves skin feeling thoroughly clean and oil-free. Extracts of Goldenseal, Hawaiian White Ginger (Awapuhi), and essential oil and extract of Chamomile soothe skin. Mineral-rich Bladderwrack, harvested from the sea, nourishes the skin to leave it looking vibrantly healthy. Regular use ever so gently helps improve the texture, clarity and radiance of your skin.
    Brand: Desert Essence, Model: 3254NDE, Size: 4

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