Crest 3D White Whitestrips Supreme FlexFit Teeth Whitening Kit, 21 Treatments

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  • LASTS 18 MONTHS AND BEYOND with full treatment use
  • Exclusive FlexFit technology design stretches and molds to custom fit your unique smile
  • For professional level whitening with comfortable, no slip experience that stretches to cover 30% more of your smile vs. a non-flexing strip
  • Advanced Seal Technology's no slip grip stays put so you can talk and drink water while whitening teeth
  • 21 teeth whitening strip treatments, each with 1 upper and 1 lower strip, Apply once a day for 60 minutes

  • Unleash a brilliantly dimensional smile with Crest 3D White Whitestrips Supreme FlexFit. They whiten as well as a $500 professional laser treatment to give you a megawatt smile. These Whitestrips bring the power of professional whitening to your home so you can get a brilliant smile quickly and easily. Our exclusive FlexFit technology allows these strips to stretch, covering 30% more of your smile vs. a non-flexing strip.
    Brand: Crest, Model: 1.09E13, Size: 21 Treatments

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