Use For Light Contact Sports / Horn and Wind Musicians.
Each Comfort Cover set contains two Covers (one for the top teeth and one for the bottom teeth), a plastic carrying/storage tube, and instructions behind the label.---- Comfort CoverTM is a specially designed flexible plastic lip bumper shield that snaps securely into place on your orthodontic brackets, and totally covers your braces from end to end. It provides hours and hours of pain relief caused by irritation from orthodontic brackets and wires. ----- This handy lip protector product can be especially helpful to musicians, public speakers, and "braces newbies" who want a little extra help in those first uncomfortable weeks of orthodontic treatment. You can also wear Comfort Covers for light contact sports where mouthguards are not needed. ------ Each Comfort Cover set contains two clear Covers, housed in a convenient plastic tube for easy transport. Just put your Comfort Cover set in your purse, backpack, or briefcase and go! The Covers are 5 inches long. Trim them with scissors for a custom fit. Brand: Sonic Dental
Custom Tab 01
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