Portable aromatherapy that is easy to carry and easy to use.
The sophisticated essential oil blend supports meditation practice by inspiring a mood of reverence and calm contentedness.
Softens and smoothes skin while balancing the psyche.
Center & Balance. Just as the noble trees are deep rooted in the ground, this blend works to bring a deep rooted centering and grounding experience, essential to the practice Yoga and Meditation. The scents of Sandalwood, Frankincense, and Myrrh are used in both Eastern and Western traditions to support the practice of meditation by inspiring a mood of reverence and calm centeredness. Cedarwood sharpens the mind, and the citrus essential oils of Mandarin and Litsea Cubeba create a cheerful state of peaceful awareness. We use the "base note" essential oils derived from the bark of the Cedarwood and Sandalwood trees, and CO2 extracts from the tree and root resins of the Frankincense and Vetivert. Brand: Badger, Model: 678631, Size: 1 Pack
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