Aura Cacia Sage Essential Oil, 0.5 Oz

Aura Cacia
In Stock


Brand Aura Cacia
Model 191135
Size 0.5 oz

  • Aura Cacia

  • Sage by Aura Cacia 0.5 oz EssOil ClarySage 0.5 oz EssOil Product sage is a biennial herbaceous member of the mint family. It grows up to three feet high with large hairy leaves and a stunning single stem flower stalk that is covered with fragrant pink and white flowers borne among leafy violet-colored bracts. There are hundreds of species of sage but clary is unique and virtually never mistaken for another plant. Suggested Use As a dietary supplement Dilute properly. Skin toner 6 drops lavender 7 drops clary sage 1 drop chamomile 4 drops lemon 2 oz. water. Balance mood 5 drops each of clary sage and bergamot in a candle lamp diffuser. - Or as directed by your healthcare professional. Other Ingredients Salvia sclarea (clary sage) Oil Warnings Keep out of reach of children. As with all dietary supplements consult your healthcare professional before use. See product label for more information.

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