Tea tree, sweet orange, nutmeg and ylang ylang essential oils open the senses, cleanse the body, and move the spirit.
The simple combination of water and pure essential oils makes this product safe for both room and body.
This product is packaged in a sturdy four ounce aluminum bottle. This protects contents from contamination and degradation, and is infinitely recyclable, convenient, portable and reuseable.
A Brand of Frontier Co-op, responsible to people and plant.
Fill your space and your soul with the Aromatherapy Room and Body Mist Purifying Tea Tree from Aura Cacia. Aura Cacia is committed to both the quality of their products and the quality of life. They offer outstanding products made from simple and pure botanical ingredients that improve the well being of those who use them. They test every shipment of essential oil received to verify its purity and quality. Brand: Aura Cacia, Model: 188241, Size: 4
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