Medical Grade Natural Antibacterial,Super Water Absorbent,Soft and Comfortable,Suitable For Baby's Delicate Skin,Cotton Gauze Warm Baby Bath Towels Also For Baby Blanket -2 Pcs

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  • 100%cotton for High quality, soft, Healthy, Absorbent, breathable,Easy washable and Dryable - Hypoallergenic and reusable Bath Towels,No chemicals,Perfect for your baby's sensitive skin, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal,anti-bacterial,This helps to reduce allergens and bacteria, particularly for those with sensitive skin or allergies, such as eczema. - won't irritate baby delicate skin,Eco-friendly,Reusable and Washable
  • Size: (43 inches45 inches),large enough to wrap baby, not to make them fell cold when out of shower
  • Special honeycomb embossing, Absorption speed boost 3 times. more keep baby warm. not to get cold
  • Multifunction for baby. can be used to be baby swaddle, blankets, baby stroller blanket and so on, (Babies need it during the trip)
  • High quality Bath Towels - durable,and antibacterial (much better and softer than cotton),Super Soft, durable, absorbent,Adults like them too, Perfect for boys, girls,and baby shower/registry gifting


    Designed Specifically For Baby's Skin Care

    High Quality of 100% Cotton Muslin , Soft, Healthy,breathable,Absorbent, Easy Washable and Dryable

    Size: (43 inches45 inches),large enough to wrap baby, not to make them fell cold when out of shower

    The Design of Honeycomb Surface, Absorption speed boost 3 times. more keep baby warm. not to get cold

    Multifunction for baby. Can be used to be baby swaddle, blankets, baby stroller blanket and so on

    (Love My)'' Warm Tips For Dear You

    Wash it before use it for your baby. Because our baby towel doesn't add softener chemical composition. all are Medical Grade and 100% Cotton, completely Healthy for baby.

    Brand: LOVE MY, Model: LMYUJ02, Color: p2

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