Little Tinkers World Lion Hooded Baby Towel, Natural Cotton, 30x30-Inch

Little Tinkers World
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  • QUALITY 100% COTTON - No need to look any further our baby towel feels thicker but not heavy for baby's tender skin
  • SUPER ABSORBENT AND DURABLE - made from quality non twist 100% cotton
  • LARGE SIZE - 30x30 inches, fits from newborn to small toddler/infant
  • MACHINE WASHABLE - The towel can easily be machine washed and tumble dried meaning that softness and comfort remains wash-after-wash.
  • 60 DAY 'PEACE OF MIND GUARANTEE' - if you're not happy, we're not happy. If we don't get it right or you're not happy with the product for any reason, we will gladly and promptly refund your purchase price. No questions asked!

  • Are you looking to make bath time more fun Never have a boring bath again with our fun Lion Hooded Towel with 3D ears and mane

    Little Tinkers World is a family owned business committed to producing high quality yet affordable products to help young ones and parents enjoy those special moments.

    As a family business and being parents ourselves we understand how important those early days are so we're committed to delivering easy to use, stylish products. We look to make the everyday tasks easier and fun.

    Each of our unique products are designed and owned by Little Tinkers World.

    Benefits of Cotton

    Cotton has a straightforward process that keeps its natural properties intact.

  • Renewable Resource - Cotton is a renewable resource making it kind to the environment.
  • High Quality - Natural fibres are soft but strong making them durable with less warping than other fibres
  • Comfortable - Natural fibres are comfortable to the touch and stay softer for longer
  • A fantastic gift for loved ones who like to make bath time playful and enjoyable. The inside of the label is left blank for you to include your own message.

    The cute Lion design comes in vibrant yellow and orange colours making it a great choice for boys and girls alike.

    Our luxurious towels are super thick and absorbent to remove water from your precious ones skin quickly and avoid unnecessary irritation.

    A generous size of 30x30",  these luxuriously large baby towels provide premier coverage and comfort for newborns, infants and small toddlers.

    The Natural 100% cotton provides a soft and comforting feel on your Little Tinkers skin. Finely crafted with premium cotton threads that are woven for long-lasting strength without sacrificing softness.

    Brand: Little Tinkers World

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