No more wiping! No more waiting for the mirror to clear! No more hair dryers clearing your view!
Busy bathroom Magic Mirror let's you tend to your personal mirror needs, even when the shower is on full blast!
No more constantly having to re-apply unreliable sprays and waxes! Magic Mirror simply clings to the mirror surface - providing a clear, unobstructed reflection of the mirror's surface!
Simply remove the paper liner from the patent pending non-adhesive cling surface and apply to any clean, mirror surface!
Magic Mirror is an innovative static cling anti-fog appliqué that turns any existing mirror into a "Magic Mirror"! This ingenious, highly functional, simple device provides a convenient and affordable solution to this age-old problem. Developed from the same technology used by Formula One race car drivers, Magic Mirror can be cleaned, repositioned, and even packed for travel effortlessly, providing a clear, fog-free reflection, anytime, anywhere! Brand: Magic Mirror, Model: MM01, Color: White Frame
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