InterDesign Wall Mounted Curved Bathroom Shower Curtain Rod – Hardware Included - Adjustable 41” - 72”, Bronze

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Brand InterDesign
Model 79070
Color Bronze
Size 41" - 72"

  • EXTRA SHOWER SPACE: Add up to 5.5" of increased shower and elbow room with the curved pole design.
  • CUSTOM FIT: Extendable shower rail will fit unique bathtub and shower openings 41" - 72" perfectly.
  • SMART SUPPORT: The steel shower rod is rust and corrosion resistant, with a smart bronze finish.
  • QUICK AND EASY INSTALLATION: Wall mounting hardware and decorative bracket covers are included.
  • THE INTERDESIGN PROMISE: Bringing you elegant, affordable home products for over 40 years.

  • Create a larger shower space without the need for expensive remodeling! Giving your bathtub or shower a more luxurious, spacious feel, this curved shower rod is ideal for smaller showers or narrow bathtubs, or anyone needing a little more elbow room when showering. The adjustable, pole gently curves to provide an additional 5.5 inch arc of room for a more relaxing experience. Crafted from steel, the pole is rust and corrosion resistant for long lasting durability, and is supplied with all hardware needed for wall mounting, including a decorative bracket cover. InterDesign's creative products enhance your décor, turning simple home solutions into must-have elegant accessories that shine. Designed in the USA, we are proud to produce a wide selection of high quality home, bath and storage solutions that excite, inspire and charm. Stylish, functional and affordable, our products have been enriching customers' homes and for over 40 years. InterDesign: innovative products, exceptional value.

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