Better Living Products 13301 The Trickle Soap/Sponge Tray, White

Better Living
In Stock


Brand Better Living
Model 13301
Color White

  • Soap or sponge tray eliminates water accumulation by directing water to sink or tub
  • Unique lip directs water into sink or bathtub via channels under the sponge or soap
  • Channels in tray allow air flow to help with drying process
  • Great for bathrooms, kitchen or laundry room sink
  • Two small suction feet keep the tray in place on smooth non-porous surface

  • The Trickle Tray is the elegant answer to smelly sponges and sticky soap. It directs water into a sink or bathtub and allows air to flow underneath to help with the drying process. Great in the kitchen, bath and laundry room. Replace that messy soap dish with the Trickle Tray or use it as a sponge holder in the kitchen. The Trickle Tray is available in several colors to match any decor.

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