Philips Avent Natural Nipple Medium Flow - 4 Pack

Philips Avent
In Stock


Brand Philips Avent
Model SCF653/27
Size Medium Flow

  • Soft, naturally shaped AVENT nipple makes it easier to switch between breast and bottle feeding
  • Built in valve keeps air out of babys tummy and lets baby control milk, which can help reduce the risk of overeating and spit up
  • Includes 4 Medium Flow nipples size 3
  • Ideal for bottle fed babies at 3 months age and up
  • Made in England

  • Philips AVENT NEW Natural Medium-Flow Nipples are designed to help babies feed from both the breast and the bottle. The nipple's wide shape is similar to the shape of a breast and its soft, rounded nipple encourages the same peristaltic movements used to breastfeed. Twin anti-colic valves keep air in the bottle and out of babies' tummies, making feeding more comfortable, thereby reducing colic. The nipples are made of soft, durable silicone and have a unique petal design that prevents nipple collapse while your baby feeds.

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