Munchkin White Hot Infant Safety Spoons, 8 Count

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Brand Munchkin
Model 36387
Color White
Size 8 Count

  • Patented white hot system: spoon tip turns white when baby's food is too hot (approximately 110 degrees F or 43.3 degrees C and above)
  • Tapered spoon bowl is comfortable for little mouths, and soft tips are gentle on gums
  • Long handles for easier high chair feeding
  • BPA- and phthalate-free, top rack dishwasher-safe
  • 3 plus months

  • It's a fun, but at times tricky milestone to figure out-you're constantly questioning whether food is too hot, too cold, or just right. Munchkin's innovative white hot safety spoons can help make those first feedings easier to swallow for both of you. Simply dip the tips of the spoons in heated pureed baby foods to check if it's too warm. If the tip turns white, the food is too hot for baby to eat. Wait for it to cool, dip again, and if the tip is no longer white-voila. You can feed your little one without worrying about a thing.

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