Kidsme Food Feeder Double Pack with Clip (Large size) (Purple/Pink and Green/Yellow)

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  • Contains two Kidsme Food Feeders (2 large), and one ribbon clip.
  • BPA free and FDA tested. Ideal for 6 months and up. Top-rack dishwasher safe.
  • Allow your child to eat fresh food without the risk of choking. Unique patent design, improved from traditional mesh bag feeders. Silicone sac makes for easy cleaning, does not retain odors, encourages chewing, more natural and comfortable to the baby.
  • A clip keeps the Food Feeder safe, clean and within reach. Designed with safety in mind, there are no detachable small parts or sharp pieces.
  • Baby would LOVE to have a second food feeder prepared while enjoying the first one.

  • Double pack is convenient to use at home or to take on-the-go. Two Food Feeder allow you to keep one as a spare. Food can be prepared ahead of time by loading two Food Feeder at a time. Baby can keep the Food Feeder safe and secure with the ribbon clip.
    Brand: Kidsme, Color: Purple/Pink and Green/Yellow, Size: Large

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