Bumbo Toddler Booster Seat, Aqua

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Brand Bumbo
Color Aqua

  • Your child can join you at the table - This soft booster seat rests directly on a regular-sized chair to raise your toddler up to a comfortable height.
  • Includes a three-point harness - This harness helps ensure that your toddler is comfortably secure while sitting in their Bumbo Booster Seat.
  • Fits most standard chairs - Adjustable straps attach to almost all four-legged chairs.
  • Easy-to-clean - Meal times with toddlers can get messy, which is why the Bumbo Booster Seat is made from material that is easy to wipe clean.
  • Easily transportable - The lightweight material makes it easy to bring with you to restaurants, picnics, friends' houses, and anywhere else you and your child go.

  • The Bumbo Booster Seat is made especially for toddlers to help them sit comfortably at the table in an adult chair. Whether it is feeding time or playtime, this seat gives a much-needed boost for engaging with your child. For more than two decades, Bumbo has made high-quality infant and toddler products that help your little ones sit up on their own, step up to places they can't yet reach, and build up their confidence as they gain independence. Our products solve everyday parenting challenges, while encouraging parent and child interaction and quality family time.

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