The Puj Tub is the easiest baby bath tub ever! Made from a soft foam that folds and conforms to almost any sink, the Puj Tub cradles and protects the baby during bath time. Hang or store the tub flat anywhere you would like...even on the back of your door and out of sight! The soft foam protects baby's skin from the cold hard sink, keeping baby feeling safe, warm and happy. Using the Puj Tub, mom and dad now have two hands free to bathe and everyone is enjoying bath time! • The perfect gift for the new parents! • The Puj Tub allows parents to wash baby with both hands. • You no longer have to lean, bend, sit, or squat to bathe your child. • A MUST for C-section moms • Conserves water, energy, and space! • Made from a soft, non-slip, PVC/BPA free material. Brand: Puj, Model: 20601, Color: Grey
Custom Tab 01
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