Nuby Teething Blankie - Characters May Vary

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  • Multiple teething surfaces massage and stimulate baby's gums
  • Soft plush characters make squeaking noise when squeezed
  • Soft fabric crinkles to capture baby's attention
  • Characters may vary. You will receive one of the following styles: Monkey, Lion, Frog, or Bear
  • 0 Months / BPA Free

  • The Nuby Plush Teething Blankie is designed to comfort and soothe your toddler through the teething process. The multiple teething surfaces on each side allow your baby to chew and cut their first teeth, relieving sore and sensitive gums. The blanket crinkles and squeaks with a gentle squeeze of the soft fun characters and helps stimulate your baby's senses and imagination. BPA Free.
    Brand: Nuby, Model: 6606, Color: Red/Yellow/Green/Orange/Blue, Size: 0M

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